Winthrop Publishing: Website
Works Engraving
Crow Works strives
for efficiency in receiving, processing and shipping. Our team of
thoughtful and knowledgeable customer service representatives and
technicians take pride in their work; providing professional engraving
and unique products.
Lakeview Properties
A deluxe one bedroom
vacation suite with a spectacular view of Kalamalka Lake and the
Monashee mountains. In a quiet location conveniently
located near HWY 97. Just minutes from Predator Ridge world class
golf resort and Silver Star Mountain resort. Five minutes from a
boat launch, Kal beach and downtown Vernon.
Shoemaker's Last
Morrill is an organic gardener living in Falkland, British Columbia.
Dons book is an autobiography containing details of his political
activities in unions, socialism and the CIO during the early 1930s
and 40s. This book describes a workers view of historical
events and personal experiences. Don has worked in the field of
high voltage engineering, and is willing to reveal secrets of a
master potter.
Poems for People and Dogs
Two volumes of poetry
by author Don Morrill.
Clare Shopper
in 1984 the shopper is a Bi-weekly publication mailed through Canada
Post to 13,000 homes in South West Nova Scotia. Basically, a community
bulletin board on paper containing everything from free kittens
to ocean going vessels for sale, with everything in- between. Over
80 pages of local advertising and classifieds. Including: land and
homes for sale, vehicles, vacation rentals, festivals & events,
employment opportunities and more.
The Lobster Bay Shopper
Lobster Bay Shopper is a Bi-weekly publication mailed through Canada
Post to over 14,000 homes in South West Nova Scotia, from Yarmouth
to Clyde River. Basically, a community bulletin board on paper containing
everything from free kittens to ocean going vessels for sale, with
everything in- between. Over 40 pages of local advertising and classifieds.
Including: land and homes for sale, vehicles, vacation rentals,
festivals & events, employment opportunities and more.
Clare Stoneworks
Clare Stoneworks, Marc & Sam Graff; Located in
Concession, Nova Scotia, Canada. Specializing in dry masonry Stone
Wall Construction. 1(902)769-3899. Clare Stoneworks, Nova Scotia,
Canada, Dry, Laid, Stone, Wall, Masonry, Stonewall, Clare, Rock,
Professional, Business, Sam Graff, Stonemason, Mason, Steps, Pillar,
Graff Brothers Salvage Company
salvage company with style, we sell online and throught our Graff
Brothers Central Outlet locate din St. Bernard, Nova Scotia. Antiques,
Marine Salvage, Archectectural, Disneyana, Baskets, Hand Hewn, Tools,
Farm implements, Survival, Hardware, Doors, Bannisters, Woodstoves,
Cast-Iron, Hard to find, Collectors, Evangeline Trail, Nova Scotia,
Canada, Bottles, Fixtures, Clawfoot tubs, Church windows, Stained
glass, Coins, Records, Books, Ships logs, Hovercraft, Hospital salvage,
Military Salvage, School equipment, Electronics, Stove parts, Chainsaw
parts, Mania, Happy to see you!
Montezuma Beach Home
For Sale:
Playa Los Cedros
Finca Los Cedros is one of the few large farms located
right along the ocean and within walking distance to MONTEZUMA!
Through the center of the farm runs an all year stream, the Rio
Cedros. Cradled by primary forest and steep hills, it is a perfect
private refuge where you can hike to magical pools and waterfalls,
see rare trees and an abundance of tropical animals and birds. The
rest of the farm was completely reforested about twenty years ago
with teak, cashew, pochote and mango. This makes it part of a biological
corridor connecting Cabo Blanco with the Reservas Wessberg, Romelia
and Curu. It is our intention to preserve and protect this area.
Umpium Mai Project
Umpium Mai Camp for Karen Refugees
The Bamboo Youth Project asked Burt Cohen and Kai Morrill to become
involved in the development of a ceramic skills training program
at the Umpium Mai Camp. The BYP has been involved seeding a number
of skills training programs in border area Camps and communities,
including, carpentry and computer literacy.
Piata, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil
The Gerias de Piata is a geological rift,
a flat bottomed valley with a high altitude. Piata is the town located
at the highest altitude in all of Bahia. As usual I was looking
for a project, and started looking for clay.Piata has an open market
selling produce, clothing, tools, electronics, and some locally
manufactured goods. There were two stalls selling ceramic wares
in the forms of clay pipes, pots for cooking, and pots for storage.
All the wares were fired at a low temperature and were relatively
small. The pots were hand sculpted using coils and the pipes were
Three Winds Pottery
have been working with clay for the past 30 years in Canada, US,
Japan and Nigeria. Our works have been exhibited in public and private
galleries in Canada and Japan. Our pottery ranges widely in technique
and firing; coil-built, pinched, slab, wheel-thrown and combinations.
From primitive to more sophisticated stone-ware and porcelain, depending
on where we have been stationed. We use local resources in our pottery
where possible in order to appreciate and understand the area in
which we live. In Falkland, B.C. we use local clay for our stone
ware glazes and for garlic containers and miniature animal figures.
Nara Straw
Vs. Real Expresso
This web-site has
been published to provide information on the case of Vernon resident
Nara Straw. Nara is suing Real Expresso, (a major bus company of
Brazil comparable to Greyhound) and Unibanco Seguros ( the insurance
company contracted when he bought the bus ticket), following a tragic
bus accident which has left Nara unable to continue his work, and
faced with over 2 years worth of dental surgeries and orthodontic
Northfire Pottery
Burt Cohen's
production pottery studio. Located at O'keefe Historic Ranch, near
Vernon, B.C.
Without Borders
Point of use water sanitation technology using Ceramic
Silver Water Filters, these Colloidal Silver impregnated filters
are in use in several countries including Nicaragua, Benin, Cambodia,
Vietnam ... Potters For Peace.
The Iroha Project is an image/audio dictionary project organized
in categories for the purpose of learning language through sight
and sound using the audio-ligual method. ( Iroha Project, Method,
The Iroha Project, Project H2O, Iroha, Audio-lingual, Foreign language)
Flowers Bed and Breakfast
Alpineflowers Bed and Breakfast - 8245 Rogers Road - Vernon, BC
V1B 3M7 - Tel/Fax : 250 542 8553 (Silver Star Accomodation)
Rounds Dancing
Peter and Stella Tennant, Vernon B.C. - Square
and Round Dancing